Correspondence with Cardinal Ratzinger
- A 1999 letter by Cardinal Ratzinger on the reform of the liturgy via Rorate Caeli (September 29, 2010). In September, Fr. Matias Auge CMF, a veteran professor of liturgy in Rome, former consultant to the Congregation for Divine Worship and disciple of the reformers of the 1960's, published an exchange of letters that he had with then-Cardinal Ratzinger on the topic of the reform of the sacred liturgy. Upon Rorate's request, Natasja Hoven, who works with the Swedish Catholic website Katolsk Observator, provided a translation in English.
- Worthiness to Receive Communion: General Principles. NOTE: This is a confidential letter sent by Cardinal Ratzinger to Cardinal Theodore McCarrick and Archbishop Wilton Gregory early June stating "no eucharistic communion for the politicians who systematically campaign for abortion." L'espresso, June 2004.
- Letter of Cardinal Ratzinger Regarding Dominus Iesus. September 14, 2000. Sent to the presidents of Bishops' Conferences explaining the purpose of the declaration.
- Correspondence to & from Rome [btw/ Ratzinger and Mr. F. John Loughnan] on the status of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) beginning August 20, 1998.
- On "The Many Faces of AIDS", Sent to Archbishop Pio Laghi regarding the 1988 general meeting of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. May 29, 1988.
- Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger's Report Issued on Seattle Archbishop Raymond Hunthausen. September 30, 1985. Reprinted by The Seattle Catholic Newspaper.